We all go through trials, we all go through dificult times in our lives, some more than others, but we'll just establish this fact, Trials and Problems just seem to be a fact of life. And we ask ourselves: will it ever end? When will I stop having all these trials and problems in my life. Or we say to ourselves, it will be better when______(fill in the blank).
I can sympathize, this past week, I've just been going through what seemed like trial after trial after trial, as soon as I felt I was able to handle or was getting over one, another one would come. But this last one, where our car broke down and we haven't had it for 4 days, almost 5, I had to stop myself after I started thinking: Will it ever end? Why does this keep happening to me? I had to stop and take a different look at my trials, and things changed.
Its same thing with everyone. Our trials won't ever end, things can get better, but most of all it just depends on how we look at things. Take the postive side, look at the blessings, instead of thinking Why me? Or when will this end? Take a look around, in the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon it says Ether 12:27 (and I change the word weakness to trials)"I give unto men trials that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them"
God doesn't give us trials to punish us (unless it's the consequence of sin, but we won't get into that), he gives them to us that we will be humble, look to Him, and have faith to become strong. It is only through faith in Christ and his atonement that we can gain a brighter hope for our lives and for our futures.
So next time you are going through a trial in your life, big or small, don't think, Will it ever end? Think instead: What does God want me to learn from this? And start to see the great changes that come into your life.
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