Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What would you do?

   Imagine if you heard that Jesus Christ himself was going to come and speak to the whole world, that there would be a special fireside or meeting where everyone in the world would have the chance to hear his council and recieve guidance in their lives, all in their own language. What would you do? Anything, right?
BUT....What would you do if?.....

1. It was going to be about 10 hours long, divided up into 2 days, 4 different sessions.
2. You found out your family was going on your dream vacation.
3. You had to work.
4. You recieved tickets to your favorite concert.
5. You had homework from school, work, etc./Had to study for a major test the following week.
6. You had a date with your boyfriend/girlfriend
7. It was your only day off of work, and you have a lot of things to do.
8. You were really tired, had to work late, and wanted to rest.
9. You didn't have a ride.
10.  You were just plain busy.

Think about this....You would do ANYTHING to be able to listen to Jesus Christ speak to you. Seems like a once in a lifetime experience. You would find any and every possible way to go. You would cancel all that you had to be able to go. right?
I know I would...this experience while it seems unreal, or like a once in a lifetime experience, really happens. 
Through modern day revelation, Jesus Christ spoke to his prophet and said:

"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own  voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

When Jesus Christ restored his church to the earth once again, he called prophets and apostles, that since 1830 the authority to speak and act in God's name has never been lost, and today we have the chance twice a year to listen to a modern day prophet and apostles, SERVANTS OF THE LORD.

This marvelous event is called General Conference: This past weekend, October 1st and 2nd, we will had the marvelous oportunity to be able to listen to a true and living prophet's voice. (It is translated into many different languages, so everyone has the oportunity to listen in their own language)
I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet on the earth today and that Jesus Christ himself speaks to us and guides us through him and the other general authorities of the church. I know that they guide us and give us council in our lives to keep us on the right path, just as prophets of Old, like Noah, Moses and Abraham.
I invite every one of you to come and listen to the words of Jesus Christ spoken through his servants the prophet and apostles. I promise you that as you do, you will feel the power of the Holy Ghost bear witness of the truth of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will find council for your life that you could not have recieved anywhere else.
(Thankfully, even though this wonderful event has past, we still can have to chance to see, listen and read the words of the Prophet, Apostles, and other wonderful leaders of the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...by going to this website, you can currently hear and see General conference through the internet http://lds.org/general-conference/sessions/2011/10?lang=eng)

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