Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tome una decision y pregunte a Dios

Mis compañeros y yo hemos estado ensenando un hombre, se llama Mario. Es tan listo y dispuesto a aceptar el Evangelio y seguir a Jesucristo. Como hemos hablado con él acerca de la doctrina de Cristo, que nos ha hecho saber de su deseo de seguir a Jesucristo y sus enseñanzas y nos pide mucho, ¿cómo puede realmente saber estas cosas y estar preparado para ser bautizado. Él tiene mucha fe, y quiere saber la verdad.

El estaba orando durante la última semana o más para saber que esto es cierto, él nos habló de la paz, la tranquilidad, la felicidad que se siente cuando lee y ore, y al mismo tiempo, nos dice que él no está seguro de si esto es su respuesta ... este es el problema ... no está seguro de que ha recibido su respuesta. Problema, porque sin reconocer una respuesta del Espiritu Santo, nadie realmente puede venir a Cristo. Hemos reflexionado y orado y pensado y orado para averiguar cómo se puede reconocer a su respuesta, uno de mis escrituras favoritas vino a la mente.

 "8 Pero he aquí, te digo que debes estudiarlo en tu mente; entonces has de preguntarme si está bien; y si así fuere, haré que tu pecho arda dentro de ti; por tanto, sentirás que está bien.
 9 Mas si no estuviere bien, no sentirás tal cosa, sino que te sobrevendrá un estuper de pensamiento que te hará olvidar lo que está mal..."  Doctrina y Convenios 9:8-9

A veces, Dios no nos dice de inmediato la respuesta, muchas veces, él quiere que tomemos una decisión por nosotros mismos, el estudio, meditar, pensar, y luego preguntar. Es muy sencillo, pero sé que sirve.
Dios, al igual que cualquier padre, no puede hacer todas sus decisiones por usted, que le dio el albedrio desde el principio, para que pueda aprender y crecer. Él le permite eligir y luego se le pregunta después de haber estudiado realmente por sí mismo, y dile lo que piensas, dile lo que siente, y así dice la Escritura, que le permitirá saber, usted se siente. Y si no es lo que quiere, lo haré saber también. No lo va a siente, lo olvidará.
Así que si usted está luchando para conocer la verdad, de encontrar una respuesta, trate de esto, tome una decisión, estudiar, pensar, reflexionar y luego deje que Dios sabe. Él es la fuente de toda verdad y la luz, y no va a desvíe. Él le ama y le guiará en el camino correcto y que el estudio y buscar su guía. Pero la parte más importante es que usted actúa en la respuesta que reciba.

Sé que esto funciona, es un proceso que puede tomar un tiempo, horas, días, meses, pero si se pone el esfuerzo que va a decir. Lo ha hecho a mí muchas veces, y cada vez que he actuado en la respuesta de Dios es que resultó ser el mejor.

Así que digo de nuevo, tal vez usted es igual que Mario, con ganas de conocer que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero, si la Iglesia es verdaderamente la Iglesia de Jesucristo, o lo que sea la decisión que está tratando de hacer. estudio hacia fuera, a tomar la decisión, pedir, y luego actuar.

Tome una decisión y luego pide a Dios.

Así que si usted está luchando para conocer la verdad, de encontrar una respuesta, trate de esto, tome una decisión, estudiar, pensar, reflexionar y luego deje que Dios sabe. Él es la fuente de toda verdad y la luz, y no va a desvíe. Él le ama y le guiará en el camino correcto y al estudiar y buscar su guía. Pero la parte más importante es que usted actúa en la respuesta que reciba.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Pray: The communcation between Heavenly Father and his children (us); The way to truly find answers to our sincere desires; the way to Truth and guidance.

I love Prayer. LOVE IT. It's a way for me to be able to release my stress and give it to my Heavenly Father who understands, and can take my burdens away from me. I know that as I talk to my Heavenly Father he hears me. The best part is though that I think, is that not only he hears me, but he ANSWERS. It's so amazing so be able to feel of that love, peace, comfort, joy, happiness, council, relief. And it all comes from the simplest thing.

I'm sure I've talked in many of my posts about the importance of prayer, and how you can find out for yourself what is the truth and how you can feel these things for yourself. But as I was thinking a lot about what I could write, I thought about the importance of the Way we pray.

First I want to discuss the importance of understanding the true nature of the trinity, the Godhead.
First: God, the Eternal Father, Heavenly Father who loves us, we are his children.
Second: Jesus Christ, God's SON, not God the Father, but his Son. They are different people.
In John 3:16 it says "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosover should believe in him and not perish, but have everlasting life"
Jesus Christ came to earth to suffer for our sins, and that is how we are able to speak to our Heavenly Father, because of him.
Third: The Holy Ghost. Again seperate beings. He is a spirit with a Very important purpose. To testify of truth, to comfort, etc.
They are all separate, but are one in love and purpose. It's important to understand this so that as we pray, we truly can feel of its power and strength.

Prayer; I'm sure this might be something different, but in a world where prayers are recited and memorized, it's important to know that we can speak freely and openly with love and respect to God our Heavenly Father. And we are able to do that by following the manner of Prayer in which Jesus taught us.

3 Nephi 18:19-20 Jesus Christ taught the Nephites about the importance of prayer and the manner of prayer.
"19)Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name;
20) And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."

first we address our Heavenly Father (Heavenly Father, dear Heavenly Father, Our Father in Heaven, etc.)
next we express the feelings of our hearts, like gratitude, asking for help, asking to know the truth, whatever you feel from your heart.
and lastly we end in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

simple as that, so tonight I would invite you as I've done before, to kneel down before our Father in Heaven and just speak to him. Tell him how you feel, especially you can ask him to know the truth about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, this Church, etc.,and as you do your part to seek for the truth you will find it. He won't lead you astray.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Make a decision and then ask God.

The past couple days my new companions and I have been working with an awesome guy named Mario. He is so ready and willing to accept the Gospel and follow Jesus Christ. As we've talked with him about the doctrine of Christ, he has let us know his desire to follow Jesus Christ and his teachings and asks us a lot how can he truly know these and be prepared to be baptized. He has so much faith, and really wants to know the truth.
He's been praying for the past week or so to know this is true, he's told us of the peace, the comfort, the happiness that he feels as he reads and prays, and at the same time, tells us that he's not sure if this is his answer...this is the problem...He's not sure he's recieved his answer. Problem, b/c without the true sure feeling of the truth of this Gospel, no one can truly come unto Christ. As we've pondered and prayed and prayed and pondered to find out how he can recognize his answer, one of my favorite scriptures came to mind.

 "8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.
 9 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong..." Doctrine and Covenants 9:8-9

Sometimes, God doesn't tell us right away the answer, many times, he wants us to make a decision for ourselves, Study, Ponder, Think, then Ask. It's simple, but I know it works.
God, just like any parent, can't make all your decisions for you, he gave you agency from the very beginning, so that you can learn and grow. He let's you choose, and then you ask him after you have truly studied it for yourself, and tell him what You think, tell him what you feel, and like this scripture says, he will let you know, you'll feel it. And if it's not what he wants, he'll let you know too. You won't feel it, you'll forget it.
So if you're struggling to know the truth, to find an answer, try this, make a decision, study, think, ponder and THEN let God know. He is the source of all truth and light, and he won't lead you astray. He loves you and will lead you in the right path and you study and seek his guidance. But the most important part is that you act on the answer you recieve.
I know this works, it's a process that sometimes will take a while, hours, days, months, but if you put forth the effort he'll tell you. He's done it to me about 4,563 times, and everytime as I've acted on the answer from God it's turned out to be the best.
So again, maybe you're just like Mario, wanting to know the Book of Mormon is true, if this Church is truly the Chruch of Jesus Christ, or whatever decision you're trying to make. study it out, make the decision, ask, and the act.


Friday, June 10, 2011


Ok, So...yesterday we were in the chapel to make some copies of papers, when the library door WOULD NOT OPEN! I unlocked and locked and pushed and pushed, but it would barely budge for about 20 minutes. I really thought I was going to break the door. When finally, IT OPENED! We looked around trying to find the cause of the unmoveable door, but nothing was to be found. Point of the story is: I was DETERMINED. I put in my mind that the door was going to open, that we were going to do what we needed to do, it took time, it took muscle, it took effort, but most of all it was really was determination that I had that opened the door.
So how does this relate to the Gospel or to our lives? Well....it actually has quite a lot to do with the gospel, and with our lives.
#1 When we lived in heaven before this life we made a promise to Heavenly Father that we were going to do all we could do to live with him again. We were DETERMINED to live with him again. So we came to earth, forgot everything, but thankfully Heavenly Father gave us something to help us, called the Holy Ghost, it's a guide, it's an influence, but it's only constant if we are obedient to God's commandments. We have to be DETERMINED to be obedient to the commandments or we can't have the Gift of the Holy Ghost. And we have to be DETERMINED to live with him again in this life so that we can have to "doors" of Heaven opened in the end to us.
#2 Obstacles, this was my main point of this blog. We all have obstacles, we all get these "stuck doors that won't open for anything" in our lives. But what would happen if we just gave up? thought it was too hard, the door Won't open, if we don't try. If we are not DETERMINED to overcome the obstacles, to gain the blessings aka the paper copies, or just the door opening, we won't get them. So if you think about it our DETERMINATION is what will influence our actions, which will influence how we live and the blessings we get, we gain them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

¿Cuándo terminará?

Todos pasamos por pruebas, todos pasamos por momentos dificiles en nuestras vidas, algunos más que otros, pero sólo tendremos que establecer este hecho, los ensayos y los problemas sólo parece ser un hecho de la vida. Y nos preguntamos: ¿Cuándo terminará? ¿Cuándo voy a dejar de tener todas estas pruebas y problemas en mi vida? O nos decimos a nosotros mismos, será mejor when______ (llene el espacio).

 Echa un vistazo, en el libro de Éter en el Libro de Mormón dice {Éter 12:27} (y puedo cambiar la debilidad de la palabra a los juicios) "Le doy los ensayos a los hombres que sean humildes, y mi gracia es suficiente para todos los hombres que se humillan ante mí, y tienen fe en mí, entonces haré que las cosas débiles sean fuertes para ellos " Dios no nos da pruebas para castigarnos (a menos que sea la consecuencia del pecado, pero no vamos a entrar en eso), les da a nosotros que vamos a ser humilde, mira a Él, y tener fe para ser fuerte. Es sólo a través de la fe en Cristo y su expiación que podemos obtener una esperanza más brillante para nuestras vidas y para nuestro futuro.

La próxima vez que usted va a través de un juicio en tu vida, grande o pequeño, no lo creo, ¿Cuándo terminará?  Piense en su lugar: ¿Qué quiere Dios que yo aprenda de esto? Y empezamos a ver los grandes cambios que entran en tu vida.
 Puedo simpatizar, la semana pasada, he estado pasando por lo que parecía prueba después de un prueba después de una prueba, tan pronto como me sentía capaz de manejar o estaba recibiendo más de uno, otra vendría. Pero este último, donde nuestro carro se descompuso' y no hemos tenido durante 4 días, casi 5, me tuve que parar después de que empecé a pensar: ¿Cuándo terminará? ¿Por qué esto siga pasando a mí? Tuve que parar y tomar un aspecto diferente en mis pruebas, y las cosas cambiaron. Es la misma cosa con todo el mundo. Nuestras pruebas no terminarán, las cosas pueden mejorar, pero sobre todo es que sólo depende de cómo vemos las cosas. Tome el lado positiva, mire las bendiciones, en vez de pensar ¿Por qué yo? ¿O cuando este fin?

Will it ever end? Trials of Faith II

We all go through trials, we all go through dificult times in our lives, some more than others, but we'll just establish this fact, Trials and Problems just seem to be a fact of life. And we ask ourselves: will it ever end? When will I stop having all these trials and problems in my life. Or we say to ourselves, it will be better when______(fill in the blank).

  I can sympathize, this past week, I've just been going through what seemed like trial after trial after trial, as soon as I felt I was able to handle or was getting over one, another one would come. But this last one, where our car broke down and we haven't had it for 4 days, almost 5,  I had to stop myself after I started thinking: Will it ever end? Why does this keep happening to me? I had to stop and take a different look at my trials, and things changed.

Its same thing with everyone. Our trials won't ever end, things can get better, but most of all it just depends on how we look at things. Take the postive side, look at the blessings, instead of thinking Why me? Or when will this end? Take a look around, in the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon it says Ether 12:27 (and I change the word weakness to trials)"I give unto men trials that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them"

God doesn't give us trials to punish us (unless it's the consequence of sin, but we won't get into that), he gives them to us that we will be humble, look to Him, and have faith to become strong. It is only through faith in Christ and his atonement that we can gain a brighter hope for our lives and for our futures.

So next time you are going through a trial in your life, big or small, don't think, Will it ever end? Think instead: What does God want me to learn from this? And start to see the great changes that come into your life.