Saturday, April 30, 2011

How do I know this?

So I haven't written for a while because well I haven't known really what to say. As I was thinking about what I could say, I thought of an experience my companion and I had a couple weeks ago. We were teaching a family about the plan of salvation and how it helps us know where we came from, why we are here on earth and where we go after this life. The Dad who is catholic, asked me how it was that I know that there is life after death and that I will live with my family forever, even after we die. In this moment I really thought about what he said, and a rush of emotions came over me.  I just told him from all of my heart that after my grandma past away almost 3 years ago, I was really sad, and as I prayed to my Heavenly Father to recieve comfort, I felt a peace like I hadn't felt before. I knew that she was with him and with my grandpa again. I knew that because they had been sealed as a family in a Temple of the Lord by his authority and also my parents with my siblings and I had been sealed, that I would see them again, that we would be an eternal family. I know that death is not the end, I know families are forever, I know Christ lives and so will all of us, and that if we follow his commandments and teachings that we will all live in a state of endless true happiness. I know this is true through prayer, through studying the scriptures, the spirit has told me through an undeniable feeling in my heart and soul that this is the truth and the only true way to God. I want to invite all of you also to really think about this, to pray and ask Heavenly Father what is the truth and as you read in the Book of Mormon and come to our church services that you will feel as I did the undeniable truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Music / La Musica

"Porque mi alma se deleita en el canto del corazon; si', la cancion de los justos es una oracion para mi, y sera' contestada con una bendicion bore su cabeza" Doctrina y Convenios 25:12
La Musica es algo que siempre a mi me encantaba, que siempre me ayuda a sentir el amor de mi Padre Celestial, y sentir su espiritu alredador de mi. Los Himnos de la Iglesia tienen una significancia muy especial para mi. Fueron escritos para el beneficio de nuestros almas, que podamos ofrecer una oracion al Padre Celestial en una manera diferente pero en una manera que aveces nuestras palabras no pueden decir lo que  uno sienta. Yo se' que cuando oramos y cantamos los canciones a cerca de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo y su Evangelio, el espiritu trae las palabras al Padre Celestial y el envie su Espiritu para dar consuelo, paz, gozo, felicidad a nuestros corazones. Quiero invitarles al escuchar de los himnos de la Iglesia, que se encuentran,17631,6520-1,00.html penser y meditar en lo que se siente y va a sentir algo bien especial, que puede encontrar en los servicios de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias. y pueden encontrar una capilla y tiempo de los reuniones y assiten a

"For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads" Dotrine and Covenants 25:12
Music is somthing that I have always loved, that has always helped me to feel the love of my Heavenly Father and to feel his spirit around me. The hymns of the church have a special meaning to me. They were written for the benefit of our souls, that we can offer a prayer to our Heavenly Father in a different way but in a way that our words can't say what one feels. I know that when we pray and sing the songs about our Savior Jesus Christ and his Gospel, the spirit takes the words to our Heavenly Father and the he sends his spirit to give us comfort, peace, joy and happiness to our hearts. I want to invite you to listen to the hymns of the church that are found,17929,4782-1-1,00.html think and ponder in what you feel and something special that you can find in the church services of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and can find a chapel and service times and attend at

Thursday, April 14, 2011

El Bautismo

En Juan 3:5 Jesus dijo "De cierto, de cierto te digo que el que no naciere de agua y del Espiritu no puede entrar en el reino de Dios" Como hijos de Dios, 'el quiere para todos sus hijos a vivir con 'el otra vez, y Cristo nos dijo y nos enseno' como, por medio del Bautismo y la confirmation del don del Espiritu Santo por alguien que posea la autoridad del Sacerdocio de Dios. El bautismo y confirmation son dos importante pasos en nuestros vidas. El bautismo y confirmation son madamientos que si obedecemos, recbimos una remision de nuestros pecados y tenemos el promesa de tener el espiritu de Dios con nostros siempre. El Bautismo y la confirmation son los primeros pasos que tomamos para seguir a Cristo hasta el fin y entrar en el reino de Dios. Cuando yo tenia 8 anos, me bautize', por mi propia decision, por que yo queria seguir a Cristo y ser limpia de mis pecados, y con la guia del don del Espiritu Santo yo aprendi como a vivir mas como Jesucristo y arrepentirme cada dia para prepararme para vivir con mi Padre Celestial y mi familia para siempre. Yo se' que si seguimos a Cristo incluyendo el bautismo y la confirmation seremos bendecidos en maneras no podemos comprender. Dios nos ama tanto y quiere para todos sus hijos a vivir con el otra vez.
Invitar a todos a pensar y orar a cerca de este pasaje de Escritura y si no se bautizo' en la manera que Cristo mostro' (por la debida autoridad y immersion en el agua) orar a su Padre Celestial para saber si 'el quiere que se bautice, y pensar en lo que se siente.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Somos Cristianos? Are we Christians?

Para contestar este pregunta, Si, somos como miembros de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias, somos Cristianos. Tenemos el nombre de Cristo en nuestro Iglesia porque somos su Iglesia y creemos en El.
Mire este video de el Elder Holland del quorom de los doce apostoles quien contesto' este pregunta con su testimonio. Y yo quiero compartir mi testimonio que Yo se' que Jesucristo es mi Salvador y Redentor. Yo se' que por medio de Jose' Smith el Restauro' su Iglesia verdadera. Yo se' que el murio' y sufrio' por nuestros pecados y que tambien el Vive y guia su Iglesia por medio de su profeta hoy Tomas S. Monson.
(lo siento no esta en espanol, pero es un video muy bonito, si entiende Ingles por favor miren)

To answer this question, Yes, we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we are Christians. We have his name in our Church because we are his church y we believe in Him. Watch this video by Elder Holland of the quorom of the Tweleve apostles who answers this question with his testimony. I want to share my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I know that through Joseph Smith he restored his true Church. I know that he suffered and died for our sins and that he lives and guides his church through his prophet today Thomas S. Monson.

Monday, April 4, 2011

El Libro de Mormon/The Book of Mormon

Hoy quiero decirles acerca de mi testimonio del Libro de Mormon. Como misionera, he escuchado de las historias de converstion de muchos miembros. Cual cada una historia es diferente, hay algo que todos tengan en common, El Libro de Mormon. El Profeta Jose' Smith declaro' que "El Libro de Mormon...[es] la clave de nuestra religio'n y que un hombre se acercari'a ma's a Dios al seguir sus preceptos que los de cualquier otro libro" El Libro de Mormo'n es la clave de nuestra relgion porque sin lo, nuestra Iglesia es casi lo mismo de todos las demas iglesias.  El Libro de Mormo'n y el testimonio que uno tiene de lo es la clave para la conversion. Todos pueden saber que El Libro de Mormo'n es verdadero cuando apliquen el promesa del profeta Moroni de "Cuando lea'is estas cosas...pregunte'is a Dios el Eterno Padre, En el nombre de Cristo, si [no] son verdaderas estas cosas y si pedi's con un corazo'n sincero, con verdadera intentcio'n, Teniendo fe en Cristo, 'el os manifestara' la verdad de ellas por el poder del Espiritu Santo, y por el poder del Espiritu Santo podre'is conocer la verdad de todas las cosas" Eso es que todos los que tengan un testimonio del Libro de Mormo'n hizieron. Pidieron a Nuestro Padre Celestial con un corazo'n sincero, y recibieron un testimonio de la verdad.
Quiero invitar a todos a orar a su Padre Celestial, y pedirle especificamente a cerca del Libro de Mormon, para saber la verdad de nuestro mensaje por su mismo. Yo se' que el Libro de Mormon es verdadero, por que yo oraba muchas veces para saber y fortelecer mi testimonio y yo he sentido por el poder del Espiritu Santo en mi corazon que del Libro de Mormon y de que esa Iglesia de los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias es la Unica Iglesia Verdadera sobre la tierra.

Today I want to tell you about my testimony of the Book of Mormon. As a missionary I have heard the converstion stories of many members. While each story is different, there is something that they all have in common, The Book of Mormon. The Prophet Joseph Smith declared that "The Book of Mormon...[is] the keystone of our religion and that a man would get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts than by any other book." The Book of Mormon and the testimony that one has of it is the key to the converstion. All can know that The Book of Mormon is true when they apply the promise of the prophet Moroni "When ye shall read these things...ask God the Eternal Father in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."  This is what all those who have a testimony of the Book of Mormon did. Asked our Heavenly Father with a sincere heart, and recieved a testimony of the truth.
I want to invite all to pray to your Heavenly Father, and ask him specifically that the Book of Mormon is true, to know the truth of our message for yourself. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, beacause I prayed many times to know and strengthen my testimony and have felt by the power of the Holy Ghost in my heart that the Book of Mormon is true and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Only True Church on the earth.