Thursday, March 24, 2011

El Sacerdocio/ The Priesthood

Uno de los grandes bendiciones de la restauracio'n de La Iglesia de Jesucristo es que el mismo poder y autoridad que Cristo tenia para sanar los infermos, bendecir la gente, bautizar y dar el Don del Espiritu Santo fue restaurado. El sacerdocio es solo en La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los U'ltimos Di'as. El sacerdocio esta econtrado en todos los hombres digos de La Iglesia. quiero compartir este video que es por un apostol de Dios que habla a cerca de los bendiciones del Sacerdocio. (Solo esta en Ingles, pero es muy bueno si puede entender Ingles)
Yo quiero compartir como yo he sido bendicido por el sacerdocio, es algo que estoy agradacida para tener en mi vida. Mi padre siempre tenia el sacerdocio cuando you crecia, y siempre yo podia pedirle para darme una bendicion de consuelo o de salud, y E'l me dio. Y es por medio de nuestra fe como Cristo enseno, que sanamos. El Sacerdocio es algo que alguien puede sentir de los hombres dignos que lo tienen, es una espiritu muy bonito y fuerte especialmente cuando un hombre digno actua con el Sacerdocio. Dios ha restaurado El sacerdocio para bendecir a todos sus hijos y ayudarles a regresar a El. 

One of the greatest blessings of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ is that the same power and authority that Christ had to heal the sick, bless the people, baptize and give the Gift of the Holy Ghost was restored. The Priesthood is only in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. The priesthood is found in the worthy men of the church and is found in their homes, it is something Christ has given to bless all of his children. I want to share this video that is by an apostle of God that speaks about the blessings of the Priesthood.
I want to share how I have been blessed by the priesthood, it is something that I am grateful to have in my life. My Father always had the priesthood as I grew up and I always could ask him to give me a blessing of comfort or health and he would give it to me. It is through our faith as Christ taught that we are healed. The Preisthood is something that can be felt from the worthy men who hold it, and the spirit that is felt is wonderful and strong, especially when a worthy man acts in the name of God with the Preisthood. God has restored the Priesthood to bless all his children and help them to return to him.

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